- Enfermedades del Corazón en Adultos
- Enfermedad de la válvula aórtica
- Enfermedad de las Arterias Coronarias
- Enfermedades de la Válvula Mitral
- Enfermedad de la Válvula Tricúspide
- Trastornos del Ritmo Cardíaco
- Aneurisma de la Aorta Torácica
- Disección Aórtica
- El Dispositivo de Asistencia Ventricular Izquierdo (DAVI)
- Fibrilación Auricular (FA)
- La insuficiencia cardíaca
- Trasplante de corazón en adultos
Diseases of the arteries, valves, and aorta, as well as cardiac rhythm disturbances - Pediátrica y Cardiopatías Congénitas
- Comunicación interauricular
- Comunicación interventricular
- Tetralogía de Fallot
- Defecto del canal auriculoventricular
- Transposición de las grandes arterias
- Coartación de la aorta
- Tronco arterial común
- Defectos de ventrículo único
- Persistencia del conducto arterioso
- Trasplante de corazón en pacientes pediátricos
- Trasplante de pulmón en pacientes pediátricos
Heart abnormalities that are present at birth in children, as well as in adults - Pulmón, esófago, y otras enfermedades del pechoDiseases of the lung, esophagus, and chest wall
- ProceduresCommon surgical procedures of the heart, lungs, and esophagus
- Pre- y Post- Cuidado Operativo
- Antes de la cirugía de corazón
- El día de la cirugía de corazón
- Después de la cirugía de corazón
- Antes de la cirugía de cáncer de pulmón
- El día de la cirugía de cáncer de pulmón
- Luego de la cirugía para el cáncer de pulmón
- Antes de la cirugía para cardiopatías congénitas
- El día de la cirugía para cardiopatías congénitas
- Después de la cirugía para cardiopatías congénitas
How to prepare for and recover from your surgery
Influenza, or “the flu,” is a group of viruses that cause respiratory symptoms such as high fever, body aches, cough, sore throat, and nasal congestion. This illness is extremely contagious and is most commonly spread through contact with a sick person. If you are exposed to the flu virus (it can spread to others up to about 6 feet away) and you become infected, you will experience symptoms within 1 to 4 days.
Just because you are young and healthy doesn’t mean you do not need to be concerned about the risk of the flu. In 2009, the emergence of the H1N1 influenza virus caused the first flu pandemic in 40 years, involving an estimated 60 million people in the United States. The strain of flu that season affected young, healthy people more than others. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, last year also was a record-breaking year, with an estimated 80,000 Americans dying from the flu, including nearly 200 children.
As a cardiothoracic surgeon, I care for patients who have become very sick with the flu. In a small percentage of patients, the lungs become so inflamed or filled with fluid that they can no longer deliver oxygen to the body. When this happens, treatment may include intubation (a breathing tube and breathing machine). In extreme cases, patients require a special type of heart-lung machine called ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) or ECLS (extracorporeal life support). A cardiothoracic surgeon often performs the operation to place a patient on the ECMO machine. Sometimes, lung damage from the flu may be so severe that a lung transplant is required.
During the 2009-2010 season, 600 Americans required ECMO for the flu, with the average age being 34 years old. Approximately 25% also had kidney failure and needed dialysis. Half of those people died from the flu and its complications. This flu season also is severe, with the same H1N1 influenza virus as 2009. These deadly strains are included in this year’s vaccine, making the likelihood of severe illness very low in vaccinated individuals.
Nearly everyone can receive an influenza vaccine or flu shot from their primary care provider or from a walk-in clinic/pharmacy. The vaccine is made from killed virus, so it is not possible to catch the flu from the shot. Some people experience soreness at the injection site or low-grade fever, which is a sign that your body is building immunity against the viruses. Occasionally, the strains of influenza virus contained in the vaccine are different than the common types in a year, so the vaccine is not 100% effective. However, it is likely that your symptoms will be less severe and last a shorter period of time because of the flu shot. Flu shots should be received every year, usually in the fall.
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.